Instant permit packages
Quickly and easily create permit-ready residential solar designs. Export ready-to-submit permit packages in just a few minutes.
Benefits of using Lyra
Generate a ready-to-submit solar permit package at the click of a button. Every interaction is designed to be fast and simple. Lyra is so easy to use that any experienced solar professional can jump in without any training.
A Smooth Process
Quickly create accurate permit ready designs

Custom PV system design
Design just what you need for a permit, from a simple preliminary design to a down-to-the-component level permit-ready design.
- Trace over aerial imagery
- Configure energy storage
- Generate system datasheets
- Download bills of materials
- Submit permit package to AHJ
Generate permit packages yourself
Generate a permit package from the design with the click of a button. Seriously, it's that easy.
- Save time and lower costs
- Reduce process complexity and overhead
- Powerful tool for national contractors and local installers

"I created 45 packages from scratch in about 12 hours. We had a sudden rush of sales and I was on vacation so I had a bunch to catch up on. Will probably submit about 50 to 60 more this week."
Chad WilkinsConvert Solar
Let's Work Together
Collaborate with Lyra
Advanced Design Tool & One-Click Permit Packages
Get started today and see how Lyra fits